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KYBELLA (Belkyra FDA) Italian


10mg/mL 4x2ml vials


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(KYBELLA) Belkyra

Buy Belkyra to help patients wanting to get rid of their chin folds. Commonly known as a double chin, this happens when there’s an excess of fat that hangs below the chin, and this product is specifically developed to remove that fat. This product is also known as Kybella in the USA.

Who benefits the most from Belkyra

This product can be used on all patients aged 18 and above.

Areas treated with Belkyra

Belkyra targets the excess fat that can form a double chin.

How does Belkyra work?

Belkyra has the generic name of deoxycholic acid, and it is a manmade form of a substance found in the body called also called deoxycholic acid, or cholanoic acid. It is a secondary bile acid produced by the liver via intestinal bacteria action from cholate. Deoxycholic acid helps absorb fats in the body, and it destroys the fat cells where it is injected. The adipocyte cytolysis will then be followed by an inflammatory reaction, which will also help in clearing out the broken-down submental fat by macrophages.

Treatment Details

Belkyra is a prescription medication, and will be applied by a licensed medical worker. It will be given under the skin, directily into the area just beneath the chin. To make the process more comfortable, a topical anesthetic may be used or an ice pack. This solution is given in a series of up to 6 treatment sessions for maximum effectiveness, and the number of injections might reach 50 injections per session. These sessions are to be spaced 1 month apart at least.

How long does Belkyra last?

The fat cells are actually destroyed, so this product provides results that last indefinitely, unless new fat cells are created in that same area. Around 2 to 4 sessions results should start to show.

Safety Information

Belkyra shouldn’t be used by people who have allergies to deoxycholic acid, or if there is an infection near or around the target area. This product hasn’t been tested for safe use on different areas of the body. Patients should immediately tell their doctor if they have experienced:

  • Surgery or other treatments on the neck area
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Swollen lymph glands in the neck
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Pregnant or plan to be pregnant during the treatment

Other Side Effects 

Some of the benign and common side effects include:

  • Numbness or hardening of the injected area
  • Hair loss in the area
  • Swelling, redness, pain, bruising

These are the more rare but serious side effects, and patients should inform the doctor immediately if these are observed:

  • Trouble swallowing
  • A crooked smile
  • Open skin sores
  • Weak muscles in the face

This is not the full list, check product leaflet for all the details

Recovery Time 

Doctors will be given the discretion to provide a list of any activities or food and beverage to be avoided during treatment of Belkyra.

Cost of Belkyra

The average cost of this product is around $700.

Bottom line

The fat under the chin is one of the hardest to get rid of considering very few, if any, exercises target that area. Belkyra is a solution for patients who want to get rid of a double chin, and it is also a safe and approved treatment to choose.

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